Perfect Loafers


Buenos días! Mientras sigo disfrutando en cierta medida de París, ya que apenas tenemos tiempo, me gustaría compartir con vosotros unas fotos que tenía guardadas de este verano. Llevo shorts negros combinados con unas camisa d pequeños cuadraditos negros, mocasines y mini bolso. Espero que os guste.

Morning guys! While I'm enjoying a little bit of París, as I told you I'm working here and I haven't got enough time to enjoy this amazing city, I would like to share with all of you a new outfit post. I had these pics on my laptop since this summer and I didn't want to forget to post them. I'm wearing black shorts, black plaid shirt and a pair of loafers. Hope you like it!
shirt/camisa: mango (old)
shorts: zara (old)
loafers/mocasines: uterqüe (old)
bag/bolso: cortefiel (old)


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